Enjoy The Sweetness Of Alphonso In The Winter Season
Indians consider the mango season to be the greatest because it is the best time to unwind and savour the nectar of honey-sweet mangoes. As the season progresses, individuals begin stockpiling mangoes, filling the refrigerator to its full capacity. The texture and flavour of these mangoes deteriorate with time, leaving people dissatisfied and craving mangoes long after the season has passed. Fruits that have matured naturally are preferred above those that have been canned or packaged. Therefore, we won’t be able to enjoy the flavour of genuine mangoes during winter. Right? Wrong, we can and will have a taste similar to mango. The pulp only has to be pureed and stored. We’ll walk you through the process step-by-step.
To preserve the Mangoes for winter which will prolong the taste, colour and texture of the pulp, we require:
- Good and firm Mangoes without any bruises
- A preservative
- Glass containers to refrigerate the puree
All of us are diverse in terms of our choices and in the same way each of our bodies reacts differently to various substances and chemicals. There are 3 kinds of preservatives which can be used in prolonging the life of this puree to enjoy it during winter. They are :
- Potassium Metabisulphite
This is a great ingredient for preserving pickles, jams, and fruits. Just take a pinch of this white powder, mix it with a tsp of water and added to the puree. Most of the products we buy from the stores have this ingredient added. This goes by the name E224.
This preserves the puree for around 6 – 7 months.
- Citric Acid
This is the safest preservative currently available, and it comes in crystal or powder form. Pour the water-dissolved powder or crystals into the puree.
This preserves the puree for around 4 – 5 months.
- Lemon Juice
This may be added right away, but use caution as too much will give the puree a very bitter flavour. Within a few days, the flavour and texture are gone.
This preserves the puree for 15 – 20 days.
To make a long-lasting Mango puree, all you need is 500 gms of a firm and ripe Mangoes – peeled and cubed, 1 tsp Citric Acid or Potassium Metabisulphite or 1 tbsp Lemon Juice & 1 cup sugar. Dissolve the preservative used in 1/4 cup water. Take the Mangoes in a blender and add the sugar and preserve the dissolved water. Blend the whole to make a thick puree. Make sure to store it in a clean glass jar and keep refrigerated.
This Mango Puree has different uses:
- Blend with water and make Aamras.
- Blend with Milk and make Mango Shake.
- Serve with any pudding, dessert or Ice cream.
Now, you can sit back, and relax on a cosy afternoon with blankets on & a mango dish to relish.